Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A first...

Today I finally broke 90 on the golf course. Shot a 48 - 40 at Surrey GC. One of the fellows I was golfing with commented that my drive didn't have the tempo that the previous drive had. With that I began to think. These little rituals that you use sometimes are really important as they seemingly get you into a tempo. So those few rituals that I had started but used only occassionaly became important for the next holes. The shots started coming together, the drives (though not always perfect) were long with only one slice. The second shots were straight and the putting, well it was never better.

So was there a lesson to learn today? When golfing keep those silly rituals you have, don't deviate from them, and it does seem to help. By the way the course is going through some changes with the widening of the Fraser Highway. It was in good shape and the greens were good, not being tremendously fast. At the beginning of the game the smoke from the Burns Bog was irritating but by the turn the wind has come up a little and it was clearer.

Kelowna this last weeked was raining and raining. Just like the coast. In fact from Friday night to Sunday afternoon I saw little if any sunshine in Kelowna. Was I in Kelowna or Prince Rupert?

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