When my mother passed away a few years ago we were given all the cookbooks and recipes cut out from magazines and newspapers that she had. They were safely put away in the basement as we didn't have any other place to put them. When we built some shelving in the kitchen for cookbooks last year we got them out and placed them on the shelves. Over that last year we've found some real treasures.
In the early 50's when Kentucky Fried chicken started with Colonel Saunders, they opened a restaurant in Vancouver featuring this chicken. I remember my mom once saying that she met the Colonel and I never thought anything of it. In amongst all the recipes is a small booklet describing this "new" Kentucky Fried chicken. Neat. But then on the cover in very fine handwriting is a small note and signature of the Colonel. She must have met him to get his autograph.
Then there is the booklet on BC Home Canning put together by the sales agents of the BC Tree Fruits Ltd in Kelowna. This is filled with more information about canning fruit than anything I have ever seen. Jars, methods of canning, fruits with a chart of when they are available and their peak season, every fruit with varieties mentioned and then the recipes.
There is a book put out by the Daily Province (newspaper) called Cooking Clinc. On the last page it says "Just phone PA 4211 and we'll be pleased to send you The Province immediately." PA was the old Pacific exchange. Remember the other exchanges?
Then there is something put out by the B.C. Electric Home Service Centre at 970 Burrard Street. B.C. Electric and recipe books? That would now be B.C. Hydro and recipe books.
Amongst all of these pages is the occasional note about an adjusted measurement or "good recipe!" in my mother's handwriting. She would never have realized what these old recipes mean to us now.
1 comment:
I am looking for a recipe found in the bc hydro home preservers handbook it has been used so often can no longer be read. It is Chili Sauce found under Ripe Tomato Pickles.Would like to eather get a new book or just the Recipe any Ideas?
email bevmut@hotmail.com
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