If you miss CBC check out CBC Unplugged. There is a podcast there that was on the SFU radio station this morning. They had a number of CBC radio and TV types being interviewed and their impressions of the lockout. It was interesting to hear what they had to say because these points are not being made in the the mainstream media. I wonder why?
Was out at Burnaby Mountain today and shot a better round than Sunday's but still it was bad. How can you shoot a par at one hole and get a triple bogey the next? It doesn't seem natural. And why does one keep trying to hit the ball a mile knowing that if you just slowed down to a very controlled swing you would hit it straight and probably be only shorter by 20 yards? Maybe that is the difference between a good golfer and the rest of us, they relax and don't allow the testosterone to take over.
Gapingvoid has got one of the funniest "cards" I have ever seen.
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