Saturday, July 22, 2006


This is our Java programmer after hiting the ATM (man with a pocket full of money)---and we are all off to A.N.A.F. Unit #315 for a pizza and beer! Work is over and the holidays have begun. 5 weeks across the pond. Ireland, London, Denmark.

I haven't been back for 14 years so am really, really looking forward to this. We'll meetup with a cousin I've never met in Kilkenny, auto around Ireland, stay in London with Marjun's cousin and wife (a fellow Canadian), up to Norfolk to visit a favourite uncle & aunt, and then onto Denmark and our home for a number of years, Nakskov. Some old school friends are planning a get together so I get to see them in their family life instead of the student life. That should be interesting.

Everything is assembled to be packed. Now the proverbial 'change of mind' at the last minute. I figure for that going away for that long there is no way I can take what is planned and should just travel light knowing you are going to have to buy something you forgot.

I should be updating this blog whenever I can get internet access. At the same time some of the pictures will get uploaded to Flickr.

It is hot today. I've been in the basement most of the time and it hasn't cooled off yet. Upstairs is an oven. Gotta get to the store, the fridge is empty! It's ice cream time. At London Drugs today it was empty and the salesman said "The only thing we've done lately is answer the phone and tell people - Sorry we are sold out of airconditioners!"

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