I was wondering where Bartlett's and those Bukowski books were in the house and finally found them in the basement bookshelves. Funny how so many books are like good friends and you end up missing them.
Barlett's is a book you either like and use or see no relevance in it. Even with the advent of the internet this is a great way to look up quotations. Just browsing one simple page can create a lot of brain cell activity. Here is what José Marti said about poetry "A grain of poetry suffices to season a century."
Which brings me to Charles Bukowski. (there are some great sites about the man). His poetry is habanero sauce for a few centuries. He brings that stark reality to everyday living. His feet were pretty well cemented in the real world and he made a lot of fun of those who had their heads in the clouds. We need that kind of realilty these days. Theory has its place but being pragmatic shouldn't be a crime.